After 20 years on a deserted island, 80s metal band, Rock Sugar, had nothing to listen to but every favorite pop song of a 1980’s preteen girl. With the first twenty years of their lives spent listening to heavy metal followed by a twenty year forced diet of little girl pop, the band’s own influences have permanently collided with the unknowingly very influential 13-year-old Lisa Rosenberg. And now Rock Sugar is performing “re-imaginings” of the world’s favorite songs in ways that the world has never even dreamed of. Twenty years of what started with a shipwreck and turned into history’s longest reluctant rehearsal has paid off and the band, as well as the wild originality of what they have created, are beyond belief or explanation.
But while you may be able to at last take the metal band off the deserted island, apparently you can’t take 20 years of exposure to 80’s pop out of the metal band. Prepare to have the line between pop and metal blown to smithereens and pour yourself a shot of Rock Sugar. Read the full story of Rock Sugar at